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CO.NR Basic Free Domain Name Rules : Reasons for Account Deletion
Please make sure to study Basic CO.NR Free Domain Name Rules very carefully:
a) Must be added to your .co.nr website upon account activation,
b) Must be added to the home page (the very first page) of your .co.nr site,
c) Must be visible and linked to www.FreeDomain.co.nr website.
a) No Pornography, no ANY Adult Materials (both legal or illegal),
b) No Warez, Hacks, Cracks, Serials, Illegal Materials,
c) No Copyright or Trademark abuse,
d) Must be relevant to chosen domain name,
e) No "Under Construction" websites please,
f) Absolutely NO habbo related sites are accepted.
a) No Spam (or mass-posting) via public email, news, forums, blogs,
b) No advertising by any kind of Newsletters.
4. TARGET URL (Your Real website address)
a) Must be your web site,
b) No auto-click/direct affiliate referral redirection,
c) No redirection via another URL redirection company,
d) No marketing or get rich quick spam type web sites,
e) No any MLM websites including e-gold, paypal, etc. MLM things,
f) No 'banner farms' (pages that contain only banners)
g) No websites hosted by web1000.com, please,
h) No websites that already have a domain name,
i) No websites related to any mass-emailing.
a) You must get at least one visitor per every 2 months to your .co.nr site,
b) No abusive inflation of click throughs.
a) Maximum of Basic Free Domains per person,
b) No mirrored web sites,
c) No domains simular to well known registered trademarks,
d) No Resales of Basic Free Domains,
e) No Pointing of Multiple Basic Free domains to the same website.
7. YOUR INFORMATION (name, email, etc.)
a) You must provide valid First Name and Last Name of account registrant,
b) No Company or Nick name instead of your real and valid PERSONAL name,
c) Registrant E-mail address must be valid, in order to receive a validation code.
Violation of a single rule from the list above might lead to immediate account termination without any prior notice.
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